Explore career scopes with teaching phonetics

A new trend in the world of learning and education is teaching phonetics. This is mainly centred on the “sound of human speech”.

To be at par with the growing demand of phonetics teacher and the popularity of it among aspirants, teacher training institutes are offering relevant courses as well.

As you choose the teacher training courses from any certified institute on phonetics, you get to learn and be eligible to teach the proper way a particular word should be spoken. In other words, you come to know and deliver knowledge about language spoken in the way it should be spoken.

When you deal with phonetics, or the sound of speech, it is not entirely spoken. You actually learn using written symbols for interpreting the speech.

Phonetics is an extended branch of linguistics. You are enriched with knowledge about production, representation, description and combination of the speech or the words.

Now, the world speaks in various languages. According to internet sources, there are 6500 languages spoken all across the world. The number of speakers may vary but the extent of language is still intriguing.

Various languages use various styles of pronouncing and syllables. Learning phonetics makes you understand them. 

What is phonetics?

It is commonly thought that the sound of speech is a simple and mundane thing. But perceiving the same is not that easy. Instead, the sound of language is a complex notion.

 Phonetics can be articulatory, acoustic and auditory. The different areas of study explores different arena of speech sounds such as production, transmission, perceiving etc.

Studies of phonetics are mainly focussed at cognitive units which are mostly abstract in nature. Thus the ‘phonemes’ are main objective here.

While studying phonetics, you will also come across phonology and its types such as segmental and supra segmental phonology.

Thus phonetics holds a place of immense importance in the study of linguistics. This is especially true in the history since when language or linguistics has been studied as science. Historical evidences suggest that in ancient India, phonetic examinations used to take place even in 500 BC. 

What are your scopes in teaching phonetics?

Once you gather expertise in phonetics, you can obviously join the educational world and be a teacher of the same. In addition you can also be involved in teaching foreign language.

Both teaching and learning foreign language requires in-depth understanding about phonetics. This is because your knowledge of phonetics will allow you to understand the difference between the sounds of the two languages- the source and the target.

If you are a part of the academic world, you can easily make your students understand the difference of various languages and explain the same to them in better ways.

If you know the phonetics by heart you can easily grab a new language and be familiar with it or learn it yourself easily. Phonetics enables you to better interpret and speak a foreign language that you decide to learn.

The scopes of building a successful career in phonetics is not confined within teaching only. With knowledge and expertise in it, you can gradually set your aim at becoming a scientist of language and its history. In this line of career phonetics is of utmost importance.

Corporate companies often employ special trainers for the betterment of their employees. All companies want their employees to develop soft skills. You can become a soft skill trainer with your certified knowledge of phonetics.

You must be aware that those children and adults, who are hearing or speaking disabled, need special process of training. When you are armed with a certificate of phonetics, you are also eligible for becoming a trainer for the deaf and mute people.

It will help you overcome the strong influence of your mother-tongue on your language perceiving and reception so that your articulation of the foreign language is absolutely correct.

Your interpretation of sound of speech will help you identify why a particular mistake in pronunciation is happening. This may be due to wrong placement of tongue or misdirection of other accessory body organs involved in speaking.

So, with phonetics the procedure of being accustomed with a new language is not oly easier but also efficient.

Grab an international teaching diploma today in the use and delivery of knowledge about phonetics to develop a multidimensional career across the globe.

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