Special Education teacher: What are you going to need?

However cliché might it sound, the truth of the words never ceases when we say that every child is special. It is the job of a compassionate soul to make the living and learning easier for those children who are born with some special ability i.e. the specially-abled children. If you water a dream like this to make the world a better place for these children, you should choose the job of being a special education teacher.

Disability can be physiological, mental or cognitive. While some child might find it difficult to identify and remember alphabets, some may have problem in communicating what she or he thinks. Even if keep aside how noble your work will be, it is most rewarding at the end of the day when your learner successfully procreates what you taught her or him.

Of course, to be a special education teacher or SEN teacher, you need to undergo special education teacher training course. But is that enough? No dear!

Today we bring to you what should you be concerned about while you think of taking up SEN teaching as a full-time job. Here is a list.

Do you have a special education degree?

A good number of teacher training institutes offer specific certificate courses on how to be a skilled SEN teacher. Do join one after considering all the points like affiliation, authenticity, etc. You can avail online courses also!

Some institutes come up with diploma and advanced diploma degrees also in this field. All these courses are designed to make you learn handling specially-abled children more successfully. From behavioral problems to learning disabilities, you will learn managing techniques of all.

These courses give you knowledge about classroom management. In addition, you get to know the lanes and by-lanes of child psychology. These altogether give you upper hands in this field.

How much professional support do you have?

Professional support can help you reach new heights, undoubtedly. But is that mandatory? No.

A professional online teacher training course can give you job assistance. Thus, you do not feel at a complete loss once you come out of the course. With their help you can choose the right path to follow.

What specific characteristics do you possess?

Yes, unusual might it sound, but being a SEN teacher calls for some specific characteristics. Wondering why? Well, the learners in your class are not ready to take in whatever you tell them at the same pace as others.

A list of such specific characteristics is here for you:

Organising ability

A teacher involved in teaching specially abled children should follow a definite structure of teaching and learning. Starting from the class management to learning material or strategy development, the teacher should set before the children an academic structure that would be easy for them to follow and at the same time conductive to learning.

Friendly approach

A teacher entering the class of dyslexic or intellectually disabled children with her or his eyes frowned does not create a good and friendly impression on the children’s minds. Keep in mind that disabled might they be, but they are in no way short in realising little things like whether you are happy or not, whether you are enjoying spending time with them or not etc.

So, put up a friendly cheer and grin on your face and watch the faces of the tiny tots light up!

Creativity and innovativeness

To make the children interested about the lesson, your teaching techniques need to be intriguing and inviting enough. This would ensure that they find it irresistible to be a part of what you are saying. This calls for continuous innovation and creativity on your part in lesson planning, way of imparting knowledge etc.

Confidence and intuition

This is something that no special education teacher training course is going to teach you. Self-assurance and belief in yourself are of utmost importance. If you are doubtful about what you are doing, your learners will falter also.

Intuition will help you apprehend the moves and thoughts of a child in your class. That way you will be able to formulate strategies about how to make that child learn in his or her own way.

Adaptability and ready to accept

These children are special and, even if it sounds rude, different. But you are in no position to discriminate. Your love and appreciation towards all the students should be equal and absolutely limitless.

Optimism and dedication

The learners may not be ready to listen to you, they may fail to memorise or concentrate but you need to be patient and hold the belief that the children can do what they are being taught. Yes, it may take time longer than others but you cannot lose your dedication.

Only a wide length of optimism can enable you reach small goals and find them extremely rewarding. Your dedication and optimism can spread a strong sense of motivation among your learners.

If you have put a lot of ticks in the checkboxes while reading what we said, it is time you sign up for an authentic teacher training course and learn the techniques. Armed with professional training, you can reach new zeniths.

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