TEFL 2021: Why should you go for it?

After much chaos and hullabaloo the cursed year of 2020 has finally bid adieu and it is 2021 now, off with a fresh start. The pandemic has snatched away an extent of good time from all our lives. But it is time we put those behind us and proceed.

With the new start, why should learning be kept behind? There is always scope for acquiring new knowledge, explore new opportunities and so on. And how about if you can do all these while travelling and earning at the same time?

That is exactly what TEFL is all about. Completion of TEFL course and earning a recognised certificate is all you would need.

So why should you look for reasons to complete a TEFL course? Read on to know a few of them.

  1. Developing skills

When you get admission into a teacher training institute, you actually set up the base for acquiring new skills. A course of TEFL will help you polish your fluency in the language if English is your mother tongue. If not, you always have the scope to up your grammar skills.

After you are done with the course, you can opt for the world of teaching as your career. In fact, your career will not be stagnated there only. If you look for other jobs, be assured that teaching English as a foreign language will bring forth such transferable skills in you that every employer will look for in potential employees.

Teaching will bring with it improved communication skill in you. Leadership skills and decision-making skills are two more skills that you will develop in you as you go for TEFL training course. Time management, interpersonal skills and organisational skills are also sure things you will come up with.

  1. A wide array of opportunities

There is never a shortage of learners for the English language. The same trend is going to sustain even in 2021. The people who want to or have to learn the language can be found all across the world.

The pool of learners can be of varying ages and sometimes you might come across learners who are specially able i.e. they have one or more sorts of disability- physical, mental or cognitive etc. he learners may have different aspirations also. However, you approach towards them will differ according to their demands.

It is not only schools or institutions that you will find yourself settled in. You may also get placed at business training centres, language centres, online courses for learning the language, summer camps for children etc. so, you can see how wide the array of opportunities is!

  1. Exploring the globe

Do you have a secret wish to be a globetrotter? But the pocket pinch has always put that dream in back foot, right? Well, with a teacher training course on TEFL you can finally give shape to that dream of yours too.

Who doesn’t love travelling? Bing a TEFL degree holder you can indulge in travelling also as there are jobs summoning you from across the globe. Be it Peru or Vietnam, South Korea or Mexico native English speaking countries and companies are always on a look out for qualified TEFL trainers.

So, you can actually explore the countries and get paid at the same time. With wise saving, you can save up enough to travel the country you are posted in. Get familiar with the different cultures, beliefs, traditions and food habits. All in exchange of only one thing- enrol in a TEFL course.

  1. Facing challenges

Like every other occupation, teaching has its own challenges. Bu the end results are so rewarding! As a teacher you shape the base of your learners on which it depends how successful they will turn out as a human being.

Very often in a class full of a variety of learners you will be taken out of your comfort zone, which in itself is pretty challenging. Various students have various learning needs. This is yet another challenge to meet their demands and make sure they learn efficiently.

Completing a course in TEFL means job opportunities abroad. Moving to another country and settling there and adapting to the culture and food habits, making new acquaintances, lading a regular life style all are challenges that you may have to face.

But, none of these are so strong that you cannot overcome them. A little bit of challenge makes everything more worth to achieve.

  1. Bringing forth change

2020 has been quite rough for each and every single human being on this earth. So, why not start 2021 with something afresh? With TEFL, the opportunities are never scarce.

Being a teacher of an institution is not all. Once you learn this skill, you can deliver the same to those who are still lagging behind in tackling English as a foreign language.

TEFL volunteering opportunities are always waiting to be attended, be it abroad or at home. All you need to do is find the right opportunity. Welcoming a change is only a step away.

Hope you have been enough motivated to take up a course in TEFL and be a pro in EFL or ESL. Choose an appropriate institution and get admission there. Get ready to a new beginning  in 2021.

Image source: freepik.com