Customising TEFL Lessons: how effective is it?

Recent studies show that more and more people are showing interest in TEFL and are inclined towards building a career out of it. As with any other career, with each passing day, more modifications are introduced here also. The recent trend in EFL activities is customising or personalising them.

When you sign up for an online teacher training course you are surely taught how to make way for an effective learning environment. Teaching a class of EFL is tricky for students here may belong to different ideas and beliefs and preferences.

So, when you personalise the activities, you are one step closer to bridge the gap. Personalisation or customisation acts here as a mode of communication. The learner feels at home in expressing his or her opinions in own way.

How do you customise TEFL lessons?

To start with, let us make this clear that it is not an easy thing to accomplish. Hard work and dedication alone will not be enough. You need to do extensive research and put in some innovative ideas too.

To successfully customise the lessons, you need to do a thorough research of the learners’ backgrounds. You need to understand the learning demands of everyone and group those together who have similar traits in them.

Now you need to analyse the lessons and chalk out ideas how to make the lessons more interesting. You have to research new policies and strategies that can be applied to a particular lesson. All the while you need to make sure that you do not deviate from the prior set objectives.

You get to implement your knowledge gathered from the TEFL teacher training course in this regard. The very basic of TEFL teaching is implementing the appropriate teaching methodology. Pair your classroom management skills acquired from the course with the new trends you stumble upon researching.

In case of further guidance or help, you may seek assistance to the teacher training institute you completed your course from. You can always sharpen your EFL skills with additional points particularly if you are an aspirant to be a trainer.

What are the advantages of customised TEFL classes?

  • There are not only one or two advantages, to be truthful. Also, it is not only the learners on the receiving end of the benefits. It is equally advantageous for the teachers also.
  • Customisation takes care of both practical and theoretical experiences. Those you grabbed during your TEFL courses will be further shaped.
  • With more diversity introduced, the communication flow in your class is more efficient. Varying interests and needs of students implores you to utilise varying materials. The outcome is enjoyed by all irrespectively.
  • Vocabulary, use of language, and mode of communication- these are the three basic areas that can accommodate personalisation. With that, the learners are guided by motivation to achieve more. This makes them thrive to achieve more in turn.

This is, in a nutshell, how TEFL lessons can be customised as per the demands of the learners. Customisation makes the lessons interesting and easy for the learners to have a firm grasp on. As a trainer of EFL, it is your job to keep track of the trends and make necessary changes in your skills so that you can stay updated.