Is teaching overseas possible without a degree?

For teaching abroad the only mandatory thing to possess is a TEFL certificate. But in some cases it is possible to cross the border and indulge in teaching there without actually having a traditional degree.

If you have been to a TEFL course and completed it, you are eligible enough to land a job anywhere around the world. To be precise, your degree is valuable in some countries across the globe only while in other countries you can carry on without that too. 

In which countries degree wouldn’t matter? 

Teacher training institutes offering courses in TEFL will often give you enough guidance regarding your possibilities of placement without a degree. The countries that can actually help you with it are listed below. What kind of work you can get there is also mentioned.

  1. Costa Rica

This Latin American country offers you jobs simply based upon your TEFL Diploma or TEFL advanced diploma degree. If living abroad and teaching English online has been on your to-do list, Costa Rica is the destination for you. It is a perfect and gradually growing market for English teachers. The country boasts of fantastic coastline and lush green rainforests spanned over a wide region. 

  1. Peru

Another South American country Peru is a country with full of demands of English teacher. If you have gone through teacher training courses offering TEFL PG degree, you are eligible to get employed in a teaching job here with respectable remuneration. The country with a warm and moderate weather is inviting enough with its picturesque scenic beauty. 

  1. Spain

If you are a master in TEFL, the strong market of Spain is for you. It really does not matter whether you have a college degree or not, you are always eligible to teach a thing or two to the Spanish people who are always interested in learning English. The cities of Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona have ample job opportunities for holders of degree in TEFL. The stunning landscape and variety of lifestyle will definitely make you fall in love with the country. 

  1. Cambodia

Apart from tropical weather and scenic beauty Cambodia has a population which, similar to the Spanish people, is eager to learn the language. The capital city Phnom Penh has increasing demand of English teacher. Native English teachers are in increased need in schools in Cambodia as well as TEFL training centres as more and more students are taking up English. The cost of living is low in Cambodia and the jobs pay well enough to lead a sustainable life. 

  1. Mexico

This is such a country which is considered to be one of the places where it is easiest to find a job, especially in teaching English. Like the other countries mentioned, Mexico also has a huge population which thrives to learn English, be it in schools or in online mode in the form of TEFL. Thus the need of English teachers in Mexico is always on the rise. If you possess a certification in TEFL, you are also entitled to work permit here as stated by the government recently. 

What are the other countries that allow this? 

Without a degree but only a certification in TEFL can get you jobs in Vietnam, Myanmar, Japan, Russia etc various European, Latin American and Asian countries. Your not having a college degree would not matter but you have to possess a degree in TEFL. 

An international teaching diploma along with a degree in TEFL will help you find a job across the globe in specific countries as mentioned. Grab your certificate today and set for an international career where nothing but the sky is the limit.