Online TEFL Course: What Must You Look For?

As the world experiences a hike in the demand of TEFL trainers or ESL/EFL teachers, numerous teacher training institutes are also coming up with TEFL courses. These are enough to make you puzzled about how to choose ad what to look for while choosing.

Online teacher training courses of TEFL are also doing rounds. But you should know the top criteria that these courses claiming to provide you with a TEFL certificate should meet. How do you know what these are?

Online courses of TEFL must provide all the following mentioned criteria. Think of these options as the checkboxes that you have to put a tick against while choosing the proper course. If the qualities match, know for sure that you will grab a reputable and authentic certification.

  1. The online course must have accreditation

The accreditation process of TEFL service providers can be a confusing thing but that does not hamper its importance. Though accreditation is mandatory, there is no one universal body vested with the responsibility of accrediting the courses.

Why should you check for accreditation? This ensures that the institute you choose to get your TEFL PG degree from has been reviewed by external bodies of international importance and reputation. Thus the services offered and the certificates issued are of due value.

Accreditation also ensures that the academic standards at the institute meet the international standards. It is not only for your peace of mind but for your career also. When your online course of TEFL is accredited, you can take it for granted to be reputable.

How do you know the details of accreditation? Simply visit the official website of accreditation body of your chosen TEFL course online and read about the standards. Do they meet your own needs? You are good to go.

  1. Duration must be at least 100 hours

There are varieties of durations of online courses while you apply for TEFL diploma or TEFL advanced diploma. But when you apply for jobs abroad with your certificate of TEFL, you will only be considered if you have gone through class duration of at least 100 hours.

In some countries like China, 40+ hours will be enough but in most countries abroad, it is a rule to attend more than 100 hours of online classes. Thus when you opt for online courses, make sure the duration is nothing less than 100 hours.

Do not think of saving money by going for fewer hours. That way your employability will also be reduced. Check whether the course duration is of 100 hours or more and go for it.

  1. Qualification of teachers must be high

Tutors giving off lessons must possess at least a bachelor’s degree in TESOL and preferable a master’s degree too in TESOL, English or education. Experience matters too. Before signing up for online course you should check the bios of the tutors there.

You should also make sure to check whether the tutors have taught abroad or not. This will add to their experience about the international job market. This way they will be able to guide you also when you opt for jobs abroad.

  1. Feedbacks and reviews

On your way to become a master in TEFL you must opt for those courses which have received positive reviews from other students. Check online resources for getting to know what the students think of the course and how they react. The more positive reviews, the better is the course.

  1. The course comes at a fair price

Don’t get all impressed by the cheap rate the online course comes at. See whether the price is too good to be true. Remember that online courses of TEFL can sometimes be expensive but at the end you are sure to get satisfied as the service and knowledge match up to the pocket pinch.

Having an international teaching diploma from a certified and accredited online TEFL course is enough to make you eligible to land a job anywhere in the world. Check out the above-mentioned poits before you enrol into one.

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